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My You Have Grown

The yogis view growth as an essential aspect of life – because if we are not growing, then we are moving in the opposite direction, since over the course of time nothing can remain the same. Thus, growth is essential.

Growth occurs in all sorts of ways: Physically, psychically, emotionally, morally, and spiritually. Regardless of one’s age, growth is a must for all and demands our focused and steadfast efforts.

Before raising the inevitable question – how have you grown in the last year – Bella (Italian for beautiful) wants to show you how much she has grown!!

Ella #2

In the above image Bella is around 3 months old, and not much bigger than a medium-sized pumpkin…

…and here below she is celebrating her first birthday – by sprawling out across the entire living room & talking on the phone!!

Ella #1

Bella’s challenge to you is: How have you grown over the past year or so?? – And she is anxiously waiting your answer…

 (Note: Bella co-habitates with Debbie’s (Tue, Thurs, & Fri a.m.) family along the Calvert / Anne Arundel line.)

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