“My Experience with Live Online Classes….”
“My Experience with Live Online Classes has been….”
Kindly share your experience with our live online classes so we know what works and what needs some tinkering….
Transition to Live Online Classes
Well, we are entering our third week of public, live online classes and in total it has now been a full month since I taught my first live online class, which was on April 16, 2020 – basically a full month after our renyoga shut down on March 16.
So, in these last two months, there have been tremendous changes in our greater, global society, and, accordingly, our little renyoga bubble has had to transform and morph into something completely new. With that backdrop, I just wanted to take a moment to share some observations and reflections, and also call upon you to do the same.
Here are a few of my observations of teaching live online classes:
(a) Never before have I had such an opportunity to critique my own poses. Usually, in classes, I am looking at you, but now I am looking primarily at me.
(b) Having practiced with many of you for so long – just by seeing who pops up on the screen for class – I get ideas for poses to incorporate that day.
(c) Video or a class: Although I am leading a live class – since there is no audio interaction during the session, it can feel like I am making a video.
(d) More poses and more intense: Admittedly this is NOT my observation, but when out for a walk the other day I met up with one of our longtime attendees and they said this was their experience – since I (Satyam) am not making light of things or talking (socially) during the class.
(e) I do teach the classes differently as I have to be very conscious of how and at what angle my body is to the camera.
(f) In the strength building classes, I cannot get a quick scan of the room to see how everyone is holding up.
(g) If someone joins the class after I start teaching then I have absolutely no idea they are in class that day – until afterwards.
(h) I appreciate our video social time before and after class, though it is certainly different from on-site interactions.
(i) It is nice for folks to be able to join from essentially anywhere, i.e. those who have left the area, or new people participating from afar.
(j) Finally, and I have to say it – the commute is better, and I do not have to worry about hall maintenance (i.e. sweeping, sticky spots etc), or hall temperature (too hot, too cold), or the like.
Okay, so there you have it….a few of my reflections from this month of live online classes.
Now it is YOUR turn:
Please share your thoughts, reflections, experiences, plus points, critiques, and wish lists in the comment section below. Anonymous comments are welcomed….
Video Sample
Here are more short videos from classes…
Considering that I am now across the country, the fact that I get to do yoga on-line/live with the same instructor, same group of folks has made the transition to the PNW much easier. For me there are a couple of silver linings to this shut down, and the on line/live yoga classes is one of them. Thanks for this new venue, I think it’s awesome!
Absolutely wonderful having you back in class Marisa!!!

Your class is an absolute joy and treat for me, being far away I now have the opportunity to take your class! A gift, I loved the first class I took and looking forward to many more! Thank you, Abbye
Hi Abb,
Well, equally wonderful to have you join in for the practice and hope to have you back very soon!! Great to be able to share this with you….
I am so grateful for these classes, and I have to admit, quite pleased to try out the intermediate one in private

Plus, Georgie is quite taken with yoga, to her surprise; she thought it was more of a dog thing…
Great having you and Georgie on board Annie. Quite frankly, couldn’t have seen doing it without you.
And for those not aware – here is Georgie:
I have really enjoyed these online classes. It is easier for me to get to class, without driving for 25mins each way, and I like the comfort of my own set-up at home. I also like the fact that I can clearly hear you, as sometimes in class I miss parts of your instruction. I find I am more likely to practice at my own pace, coming out of a pose early if I feel I need to, than I am when surrounded by others. I enjoy the location you are teaching in – it emanates peace and tranquility, and the music helps. I did one class where the video was glitchy and frozen, and I realized how much I rely on looking at you to ensure I know what I’m doing (I am by no means an advanced yogi!) I am one of those who sometimes joins class late and I appreciate the fact that in an on-line class I don’t disturb others when I arrive
Though the in-person experience cannot be replaced, there are positives to the new format as mentioned by all above, and I am so grateful to you for making this available. I think all your poses look great!!
Hi Dee,
Thanks so much for sharing your detailed review and comparison. I found it all very interesting and meaningful, and it actually helps me as a teacher understand specifically what folks are experiencing in class, whether that be onsite or online.
Thanks again for writing – great having you in the classes & thanks for the review of my poses!!!
Most of your class locations are a 30+ minute drive for me, which really limited my ability to get to them with work responsibilities so I am very excited to be able to be a part of your yoga classes again. I also enjoy being able to just walk up the stairs to my own little yoga room, where I already have everything I need. It is very helpful to “pin” your video feed so I can see you on my entire screen. I was wondering how you feel, as the instructor, about your ability to see your students and correct/improve their poses?
Hi Susanne,
So glad that this has made the classes easily accessible for you. Great having you practicing with us again!!
You wrote: I was wondering how you feel, as the instructor, about your ability to see your students and correct/improve their poses?
Reply: Basically, it is “virtually” impossible for me to view / correct people’s poses in an online class setting. However, your query raises a key point, and I think what I will do is put out a call for those who want corrections on poses and set-up a semi-private experience where we just go over poses and personal questions. So I will put that out there and see what kind of response we get….Thanks for raising this!!
“Virtually” impossible – HaHaHa. Love the idea of semi-private experience!
Ok – very good – let’s see what we can do with this….
I really enjoy the online classes. You are doing a great job making sure we have access to a variety of class and I really appreciate that! I love the convenience of not having to travel as well and now have the opportunity to take class while traveling. I may even make a Sat. morning abs class!
The only negative for me is that I miss the personal interaction with you and the other members. Socializing and meeting new people was a major part of the experience for me.
Hey Merinda,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts / experience. Glad the class timings are working – and hope to get more classes up and running.
Cannot agree more with you about the loss of face-to-face interaction. That was the core aspect of our yoga community and that is indeed sorely missed.
Thanks again for checking in on this….