
My Article as Guest Blogger….

My Article as Guest Blogger:

Yoga – A New Outlook on Body & Mind

This pieces explores my beginnings onto the path of yogic meditation and lifestyle…


This essay perhaps should have been written long ago, but, as life would have it, sometimes it needs an unplanned circumstance to bring our stories to fruition. Enter Raquel Bravo, the founder and host of the Stillness Within website. Raquel writes:

I was first introduced to Satyam through Lisa’s Buddhist Biohacker YouTube channel where he participated in many summits and interviews. I have taken a chair yoga class via online from him and it was fantastic!

After those summits, we dialogued directly on the new Ajatakasa social media platform where I had posted a short chair yoga clip and invited Raquel to take a class. She then inquired if I would like to write a piece on the theme of “In Your Body” for the March feature on her website. And voila, I got to work on it and here we are.

The piece explores my entry into yoga from my life as a backcountry ranger and describes the challenges, struggles, joys, and insights of that transition. I hope you will take the time to access the article as offered directly below. My gratitude to Raquel for reaching out and inspiring the story that is told. 🙏

Article on Stillness Within

From Mar 7 – 13, 2021, my bio with a link to the article will be featured on the Stillness Within homepage (just scroll down to the yellow section):

Alternatively, this week and forever onwards, you may access the article directly by clicking here -> read article:



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