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Music, Mov’t, & Meditation Recap +Audio

musicWe had a wonderful turnout for today’s Music, Movement and Meditation seminar. Together with Anthony the whole afternoon played out beautifully.

We combined contemplative endeavors like yoga nidra, deep breathing, pranayama and meditation along with periods of gentle, flowing movement & restorative positions – all done to Anthony’s wonderful, melodious playing.

Actually Anthony normally comes with his sitar; this seminar was planned for his guitar. And what a musical endeavor it was. Anthony played classical western music the first hour and then he switched over to a different guitar and played classical Indian music – which sounded very much like his sitar playing. I have included an audio sample below for your listening enjoyment.

So the music was done to perfection and all practitioners were wholly involved in their sadhana. The entire ambiance of the room became totally serene. The sentient vibration was palpable, allowing for deeper periods of meditation and deep relaxation.

I have much gratitude for Anthony’s playing and everyone’s sincere engagement as together it really made for a smooth & wonderful session.

About the below audio sample: Here is Mr Anthony Malatesta on guitar playing classical Indian music. There are three separate clips. The second starts at 1:40 and the third at 3:21.

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  1. This was indeed a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l afternoon! The music and the yoga fit together like the pieces of a two-part jigsaw puzzle – perfectly! Thanks you so much Anthony
    and Satyam for bringing this experience to life…

  2. I’m so blessed to have such opportunities available. Satyam brings together a community of shared benevolent consciousness and Sunday’s program was perfect for reminding us how to let go of our sometimes crazy and hectic world in a peaceful way. Add Anthothy’s rhythmic vibrations and my ears became another instrument to deepen my practice.

    In this summer season of so much physical and social activity, I personally benefited by allowing myself to go inside amidst the chaos!

  3. Many thanks Satyam and Anthony for a wonderful two hours of bliss. Satyam’s gentle voice guiding us through the universe along with Anthony’s exquisitely played sonatas and ragas made for a perfect afternoon of meditation. Satyam is right, the mind craves the meditative state once it has been exposed to it. Meditating together as a group is even sweeter!

  4. The meditation/movement workshop was delightful. I have missed the opportunity for group meditation for some years and found the experience to be all I remembered. Satyam connects with each being on a personal level, encouraging and guiding each with no judgment, and wise words. We are fortunate to have him in our area. Thank you Satyam.

  5. Thank you, it was a perfect mixture, you did a great job of leading the meditation, we enjoyed it very much.

    Holly Ross & Tom Walsh

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