Meditation Seminar Recap

Colleen Sabo - AbsRockFormations31375x13LThanks to all 27 of you who came out and made yesterday’s meditation seminar such a grand success!!

True to the title of the seminar, Meditation: Channelizing the Mind, we investigated ways and techniques for goading the mind to a more peaceful and calm place.

Along the way so many queries and topics were addressed – it is my folly that I did not record the seminar from start to finish.

Here though is a brief, brief review of topics covered followed by participant reflections.

In a nutshell, we practiced and discussed breathing techniques, vrttis (propensities or tendencies of mind), the difference between physical body and mental body, chakras and their qualities, mantra meditation, the nuts and bolts of a home meditation practice, auto and outer suggestion, and pranayama. Or you can say we covered roughly 5000 years of yogic thought. We then intertwined theory with periods of practice.

The idea or aim was to walk away with as much practical knowledge as possible and be familiar with the theory behind it.

All in all, it was a jam-packed session – physically, psychically & spiritually – and that could have continued another 10 or 70 hrs, but alas we had to end at 4:40pm.

In response to the query, what I liked best about the seminar, here is what some of our meditators had to say:

That was exactly what I needed – the concept of external and internal suggestions to use when in the ‘fray’, I am putting them into action tomorrow…

Realising that in the middle of a meditation / breathing sequence that it was having the desired effect.

Relaxing at the end with the singing bowls was my favorite.

Learning to slow, channel the mind…some very helpful tips to make meditation a regular part of my life.

I feel I am ready to begin my own mediation practice at home, after procrastinating about it for years! Thanks!

I enjoyed the practice and discussion, especially the myths of meditation section.

Feeling peace at the end of the session.

You mentioned on the website that being with people that have interest helps develop your practice – this was a great way to spread the peace!

Thanks again to all who came out – feel free to share more below if you wish.

(Photo Credit: “Rock Formations 3” by  Colleen Sabo, who lives, works and paints in and around the Chesapeake Bay.)

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  1. Satyam,

    Thank you again for bringing these seminars to our community.

    I walked away with the realization that meditation is extremely personal and what we make of it. it’s an intangible inner experience.

    It’s a difficult concept for one like me raised on flow charts and increasing productivity on the proverbial assembly line. I look at meditation as increasing the productivity of my soul, making a better person one breathe at a time.

  2. From Annie via an email:

    So, Satyam, that was the most amazing meditation session for me EVER. As we walked out Gail was laughing about the fire house siren going off, and I never even heard it…it really does help to practice, doesn’t it? I am starting to feel so much more at ease and at home with my practice…

    This was SO helpful to me…

  3. From Nancy via an email:

    Thank you so much for the seminar this afternoon. I loved it and felt so still when I left and continue to feel such a sense of peace now that I’m home. The timing was perfect for me.

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