
Meditation Challenge: Oct 2015

Meditation Challenge – Oct 2015

Each week will feature a different theme, style, technique for meditation.

Overview: Meditation really is the heart and soul of what yoga is all about – the transformation of mind from the small to vast, from the petty to universal. This channelisation of mind is the yogic method and the key towards truly progressing along the path. So thoughout this month we will investigate and explore different aspects of meditation. And while technique is certainly important, one central theme will be practice – just creating the mental space and time to actually sit for meditation.

~ Courtesy of Greg Izzi ~

Time: To start simply allot 3 – 5 min in the morning and / or evening for your meditation. Best is on an empty stomach before your morning and evening meal.

Positioning: You may sit directly on the floor, on a yoga block, or in a chair. Do aim to keep the spine erect and the head level. If due to physical limitation, sitting is not an option, then adopt a lying position – though preferably not in bed, but on a firm surface such as on your yoga mat on the floor.

Style for Week #1: To enter into this challenge, we will simply aim to quiet the mind using the bare minimum – your breath. In this present era, most of us are so busy that we hardly have time to slow down. In result, the mind is often overrun and overwrought with stray thoughts, stress, or general chatter. So in this first week, the practice will be to sit quietly and breathe. The breathing should be done in and out through the nose, and you may focus on slowing down the exhalation. Slowly, slowly use your breath to calm and steady the mind. Take this as a time for self-discovery where you proactively investigate and experience how your breathe affects your quality of mind – and enables you to touch the realm of intuition. Ultimately you may reach a point of mental stillness and clarity.

This basic format is geared towards helping you feel open, free, and unencumbered in your meditative approach.


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