Local Biz: Beach Baby Pottery

AW- Pottery2Here we feature Beach Baby Pottery, owned and operated by Amanda Willis of Calvert County. Details of her upcoming show are below.

Amanda is a free-spirit – an open, yet introspective person who is an artist’s artist. She began her artistic endeavors at a young age and earned her BFA degree from the Corcoran College of Art + Design (DC), and here she reflects how she started Beach Baby Pottery:

In 2007, I moved to Baltimore and it was there that I gained first-hand knowledge of the work ethic required of a successful artist. I worked full-time for a pair of ceramic artists, helping them with all aspects of running their studio, including making and glazing work. After working for these artists for over two years, I decided to move back to Calvert County to start my own ceramic studio. And thus Beach Baby Pottery was born in the fall of 2012. A love of all things natural and my time spent on Long Beach, MD helped me create the name of the studio.

Beach Baby Pottery is housed in an old tobacco barn on my parent’s property which is close to Battle Creek. It is here that I create my work, drawing inspiration…

AW- Pottery1So, as you see, Amanda is local inside and out and has shown her work at numerous venues from Solomons to Baltimore. I personally depended upon Amanda’s talents for celebrating my mom’s birthday last year. The gifts went over great!

While pottery is her great endeavor, you will also see Amanda each Friday in our yoga class, as well as at seminars focusing on yoga lifestyle. And if you need a story, just ask her about her days touring with her old band!! She is indeed a well rounded artist.

Amanda’s upcoming show Mar 7 – 31 at CalvART Gallery in Prince Frederick will be a wonderful occasion to see her work. The opening reception is on Saturday the 9th from 5 – 8pm. Here below is the official announcement.


For more about Beach Bay Pottery, Amanda, and her work, please find her on Etsy, Facebook, or you may contact her directly: amandasuewillis@gmail.com


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