
Live Online Schedule Revamp

Live Online Schedule Revamp

Let us know your thoughts on possible changes o the live online class schedule…

The Situation: While I certainly hope to be back in MD at the earliest, and more than that I would like to see all remnants and off-shoots of the pandemic behind us, neither of these two scenes have come to pass just yet. That means, at least for the near-future, our classes will be held exclusively online. Here then is an opportunity for you to shape the schedule.

The Query: Some classes are extremely well attended and some are underused. The question is what makes a live online class successful? It seems scheduling has much to do with it.

The Obvious Change: One of the easiest and most obvious changes would be to simply switch the Wednesday evening classes (Wall Yoga & Intermediate Yoga Flow) to Wednesday morning. And we may very well do that – at least for the summer – starting next week July 21.

Your Wishes: However, we would also like to hear your thoughts and desires about the live online schedule:

– Are there new types of classes you would like to see?
– Will you only attend morning classes?
– Is there a day of the week that is best for you?
– What is keeping you from joining our live online classes? Zoom burnout? What?

Share With Us: Leave a comment below, e-mail us / text us, or write us here with your thoughts on modifying the current live online class schedule – thanks!


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  1. It is more difficult for me to do evening classes so I do like the idea of moving the
    Wednesday classes to a morning time. I volunteer at the farm on Wednesday but the schedule is somewhat flexible

  2. I haven’t joined online because I haven’t figured out how to stream from my iPad or computer to the TV. I’m really hoping to finally get someone to help me with that. That being said, I am not a morning person, so only evening classes work for me.
    Although, I have not participated, I appreciate you so much going online and taping classes. You’re the best. Hope your mom is fully recovered soon.

    Take care,

    1. Thanks Sandy!!

      Let me know as soon as you get your system up and running – it would be great to have you on board!!

      Good to know about your class preference….

  3. Hi Satyam. Please keep the morning chair yoga classes. I attend whenever possible and have finally figured out steaming for the times I need to miss. Morning is better, but I have Friday early evening free too. I really love the variety of classes your offer. Thank you for your dedication to us.

    1. Thanks so much Sheila – appreciate hearing from you.

      I think the current scheduling of the Chair Yoga classes is quite safe. I have no plans to move those, and other Chair Yoga attendees also seem to like those days / times.

  4. Greetings, Satyam:
    I am happy with the schedule as it is. Might pick up a Wednesday morning class, except that would keep us in yoga five days a week and we rather like the midweek break. Evening is not good, and both Farley and I like to keep Sunday mornings open so we don’t expect to add another chair day.

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