Literature Challenge: Nov ‘ 18

Literature Challenge: Nov ‘ 18

For the month of November we will embark on the Literature Challenge…do join in….

Welcome to the Literature Challenge – here is how it works… (Read Your Entries Here)


Writers are often looked about as the conscience of the society; they play a huge role in both individual life and collective life. And yogis have long valued the efforts and contributions of great writers who helped steer humanity forward. And in our own lives, certainly the books we have read and studied have had an effect on who we are and what we have become. Here is the opportunity reflect upon and share those literary experiences.

How to Participate: 

Consider your favorite piece of literature, the book that had the greatest impact on your life, the writing that made the greatest impression on you, or simply something you enjoy reading again and again. What aspect was most moving or meaningful to you?

Share with us whatever you wish: (one or all of the below)

(a) The name of the book;
(b) the author’s name;
(c) the name of the main character;
(d) a short description of the most powerful scene;
(e) the theme of the book;
(f) or whatever aspect most appeals to you.

Contact Us:

Email us your thoughts or write them here

Community Sharing:

As per our custom, we have set up a page where we are posting your entries so you can see what others have shared. Entries may be anonymous or named.

Thanks and look forward to seeing what you come up with!!


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