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Kidney Cleanse with Parsley + Video

Kidney Cleanse with Parsley

One of the best things about this is that it is super easy to do….

Doing the cleanse

A week or so back in an email I included a link (appended below) for an easy kidney cleanse using parsley. That generated a lot of interest. The next week I got some organic parsley to do the cleanse. I was going to use curly parsley but the flat parsley came in much bigger bunches so I went with that. I do not think it makes much difference which one is used.


Anyway, I am now in process of doing this kidney cleanse as per the below guidelines courtesy of Hubpages(dot)com – in italics are my comments on the process…

Follow these easy steps for kidney cleanse.
1. Cut a bunch of parsley into smaller pieces. (I used a food processor to mince it.)
2. Boil the parsley in a pot of water for 10 minutes. (I used a 2 or 2.5 quart pot, and probably boiled it longer.)
3. Let it cool down and then sieve and discard the parsley. (I found the parsley to be fine and kept it to add to food.)
4. Pour the filtered water into bottles or any container and keep in fridge. (I used glass jars with tops.)
5. Drink one glass of the water daily. (I am now on my third glass. Refreshing – tastes like parsley – a touch bitter, but refreshing. Thinking to add lime the next few days.)
6. You should notice the sediments in your urine. (Not yet…but that’s ok)
7. You should feel a sense of well-being after that. (Yes, feeling very good!!)

Parsley is high in potassium and in Vitamins B, A and C. It is rich in iron and chlorophyll, together with sodium, copper, thiamin and riboflavin. Parsley is believed to be effective in increasing elimination of urea.

Courtesy of Hubpages (see full article along with the many comments)

Also be sure to check out the below video which is quite informative and short. Please note that the below video is done by an herbalist not related to the aforementioned kidney cleanse, though in the video she also talks about doing a kidney cleanse with parsley.

Video – The Many Benefits of Parsley


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