Tree Pose: 8 Days After A Hip Replacement!!

Annie in Tree (post-surgery)Amazing – just amazing!!

Here is Annie a mere 8 days after having hip replacement surgery. She had her surgery on the morning of the 6th of November and here she is on the morning of the 14th of November.

And YES, the hip that was replaced was the RIGHT one, the one she is STANDING on!!

A true testimony to how a positive outlook and determination can enhance recovery and advancement.

No doubt the surgeon did his part, and she has had great support from her family, yet Annie was the one who put in all that hard work before surgery attending 3 – 6 classes a week right up to the day before. And then to cultivate the vision post-op to (re)gain independence and mobility as soon as possible, clearly she is setting a new standard.

Just as a comparison, see here what one medical website states about what to expect after surgery: “You may need to use a walker or crutches for several weeks after surgery until you can bear your full weight, have less pain, and can safely move around without falling.”

No matter what our deficiency, no matter how big a hole we have (seemingly) dug for ourselves, no matter what psychic complex we may hold, when we fix the mind on a particular goal and work towards it, we are sure to get success.

Thanks for the reminder (and inspiration!) Annie!!

For those who may have missed it – here is an earlier blog post and video of Annie – the evening before she went in for the hip replacement surgery.

We look forward to having you back in class soon!

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  1. That’s amazing! I’m not sure we’ve met but you look fantastic – no one would ever guess you just had your hip replaced. You have that yoga glow –

  2. Annie,

    To coin a question posed many years ago by Barbara ‘wawa’ to Katherine Hepburn:
    “ If you were a tree, what tree would you be?”

    Clearly, you would be an oak tree w/ willow branches~

    Strong and poetic in your movements….

    Such an inspiration to all us ‘seedlings…’
    Continued strength …

    ~ Diana

  3. Beautiful Annie!
    I agree with Diana, a sturdy oak and graceful willow, that’s you.
    What an inspiration. See you soon, with love


  4. Aw thanks guys, for all the beautiful thoughts and kind words…it almost makes me hate to mention that the REAL inspiration behind choosing tree pose was the fact that that leg feels about as flexible as a 2 by 4 right now! It quite literately feels like a piece of lumber! But my support team extraordinaire insists it is more like plywood and who knows, by next week, it could be bamboo…I just keep bending it and hope for the best!

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