News: Yoga in the Workplace

JobSatisfactionStudyRenaissance Yoga was “featured” in this report about job satisfaction and yoga in the workplace.

To see the actual video, visit our homepage.

Of course your comments and thoughts are most welcome here.

Here is also part of the story as I documented it on the YJ blogging community:

I went into my corporate class today, Tue, (have been teaching there 2x weekly for almost 3yrs) and one marketing director said they might do some “filming” at the beginning of class and asked, “Would I mind”. It sounded innocuous enough I told him that ‘d be fine. 8 minutes into class there was nothing “different” going on.

On the next breath, a veritable TV sound and film crew walked in and started setting up shop! Not exactly what I was expecting. My students were right on target – accurate and unfazed- and we just moved ahead. Next thing I know a remote mic has been placed on my yoga mat – while I am in down dog – and I tell the guy that I have laryngitis – he smiles. Class starts getting going more. For the next ten minutes they are filming and we are movin’. And my voice is trying hard – i.e. struggling to make a sound.

Then at some point the news reporter walks right into the middle of the class, in between various students, opens her arms and starts talking directly into the camera. She says something like, “So here we are…” and by her demeanor it sounds and looks just like a newscast. The class remained focused as ever. Her words are brief and then in the next few minutes the TV crew is gone. Then I say to my students, “Ok now that they are gone let’s go for half-moon”. They laugh (as a few can be wobbly in that one!).

Later on the news person came back and told me how good she thought my students looked and how focused they were and that “nobody turned their head one bit”.

It turns out the Fox News (local Wash DC, I presume) is doing a feature on employee satisfaction at the workplace and my corporate site has been high on worker satisfaction for some years and features a basketball court, weight room, ping-pong, lounge / kitchen and more, including our 2x weekly yoga.

Let’s see if we make it onto the news!? Maybe for a 3 second clip or so.

Note: Well, we made it on!!

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  1. Satyam, Your 15 seconds of fame finally happened. “You look marvelous darling”. Sorry I missed it. Keep it up you’ll be doing Yoga for the stars in Hollywood next. Sue Bealmear

  2. way to go, Fox News! Whoo, hoo!
    Great start to the New Year.
    I had to teach a mama/baby yoga class on the news once. We had to be in the studio, lights, make up, hair yada yada. What I wasn’t prepared for was how fast they wanted me to talk, totally unyoga, but I figured it out after a few takes.
    THEN baby #2 starts screaming , but we are ON so what to do?
    I did what came natural, picked that little boy up and taught the rest of the class with him on my arm.
    The beauty of yoga, cultivating our one-pointed awareness and attention.

  3. What a wonderful clip! Balance in the work place and in every day living! Very proud for Renaissance Yoga to be a part of it!!!!!!

    Very Neat!
    Blessings Always,


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