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In Honor of Dr Martin Luther King Jr

The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was assassinated nearly 49 years ago yet today we commemorate his birth, his life, and his message that all may live peacefully and with dignity on this earth.

This below excerpt from the last speech he ever delivered presents the very moving, if not prophetic, words he spoke the night before he was murdered.

News of his assassination spread like wildfire around the world – from Harlem to Moscow. Below is how the famed anchorman Walter Cronkite delivered the news to America in this racially charged era. Bear in mind that this is a 1968 news report so some of the terminology & references are quite antiquated, especially the use of the word “negro”. That said, it is an indicator of how things were then and where we are now. Included in Mr Cronkite’s report are video clips of President Lyndon Johnson and Dr Martin Luther King himself.

Today also, each and every one of us has an important role in creating a singular human society free from exploitation where all have the opportunity to progress physically, economically, socially, psychically and spiritually.

In the words of one Sadguru or great yogic master:

The more human beings live in unity, shoulder to shoulder, the greater the welfare of the human race will be. Let no one try to suppress others on the basis of nationality, language, religion or anything else in any sphere of life. Let the path of full expression of human intelligence be kept open forever.

The newly awakened humanity of today is anxious to herald the advent of one universal society under the vast blue sky. The noble and righteous persons of all countries, bound by fraternal & sororal ties, are eager to assert in one voice, with one mind, and in the same tune that human society is one and indivisible. In this voice of total unity and magnanimity lies the value and message of eternal humanism.

Note: Here is our post of 2010 commemorating Dr King’s life and message – included are some of Dr King’s famous quotes.


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