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How Yoga Helps Overcome Scoliosis: A Personal Story

How Yoga Helps Overcome Scoliosis: A Personal Story

For this month’s Vishvasa Challenge, we hear from Tina…

I would like to share my challenge on the mat:

I have scoliosis and have for years struggled with back pain due to this condition. I have had traditional physical therapy, exercises which were prescribed by doctors, chiropractic care (at one point, once a week), and was then on a maintenance schedule of once a month.

I was doing yoga on and off, nothing on a regular basis.

I noticed a change when I started doing yoga on a regular basis, once a week. I no longer was having pain. I am now up to 3 classes a week. I am constantly pushing my body to deepen my poses, as with scoliosis, your body will freeze up and you can become twisted and hunched over. Staying flexible by keeping my body moving, bending, twisting has made all the difference.

I no longer need chiropractic care. I have been pain-free and feeling great.

There are still positions my body won’t move in, especially my neck, but I am always trying to push it a little farther.

Consistency is my downfall, so that is also my challenge. My goal is to be an old lady and still be doing yoga and feeling great!


Here below are some shots of Tina in her practice – tell the truth – does this yogini look like she is suffering from scoliosis?

First we see Tina practicing a twist extension all the while keeping her spine tall and venturing deep in her seated spine-twist.


Next, notice below how straight her spine is – those developed core muscles certainly help facilitate her good posture.


In the photo below Tina is executing a perfect seated forward fold. Her spine easily moves into the proper form.


As Tina angles off in this below shot she is able to keep her spine lengthened and straight during this hip-opener.


Finally we conclude with a deep supine twisting pose which Tina does to perfection – her lower spine is in a deep twist (hint: she makes it look easy) while she stretches the gluts and hips.


Now again we ask you: Does this yogini look like she is troubled by scoliosis?

Let us know, I am sure Tina would appreciate hearing from you….

Oh – and by the way – when my mom was in class last Friday she told me afterwards that Tina is very good! So Tina you have her seal-of-approval as well!!


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  1. Tina, An inspiring story. I too was “saved” by yoga, when I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in the lower lumbar and cervical spine. Other physical practices seemed to worsen my condition, while yoga relieved the pain and improved my strength.
    I still have to be mindful of my limitations, but I can’t imagine life without my yoga practice, both physical and spiritual.
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Thanks for sharing this Tina! This is so inspirational and confirms my belief that yoga is good for everything! You look absolutely amazing in the pictures and I was dumbfounded to read about your issues with scoliosis. And I love your goal to be an old lady doing yoga! I am well on my way to achieving that and I highly recommend it!

  3. Tina, I had no idea that you suffered from scoliosis. You have such great form in postures that one would never know. Another testament to the healing power of yoga!

  4. Dear Tina,
    What an inspiration you are! The poses pictured here are so perfect and quite beautiful! I’m so happy that you have had such an improvement in pain!
    I too found that chronic back pain was almost completely fixed by regular yoga practice!
    Miss you and hope to join you in class one day soon!
    Much love-Liz

    1. Hi Liz,

      We await seeing your perfect poses in class again soon – can never forget those fond memories – see you there – SOON!!


  5. Tina these photos are great! I certainly never knew you had scoliosis. I can’t wait to show these to my daughter, she has mild scoliosis and can suffer from back pain. You are very inspiring!

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