
Home Practice Challenge: Nov 2013

DSC_0010 Home Practice Challenge:

November 2013

As with most things, yoga is most effective when practiced regularly. So that is what we will aim for this month: A daily yoga practice, rain or shine.

When to Practice: You may do your practice in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before your meal, or perhaps before bed if that works best for you. Whenever you practice, the stomach should be light. That is why morning is such an ideal time.

What to Practice: Throughout the month I plan to put up podcasts or written instructions that can serve as a guideline for you. You may also use any of the existing home yoga podcasts. That said, if you are already involved in a home practice then you can take this month as an opportunity to embellish or fortify your practice in any manner you wish. And if you already have specific ways you wish to start up your home practice, then by all means follow that plan. My intent here is merely to offer suggestions. The real emphasis is on doing something each and every day. Exactly what poses you practice, on this aspect you have full freedom.

Duration of Practice: Aim for 15 – 20 min.

Routine for Week 1: Here is a possible routine for week #1 for those seeking suggestions.

Child’s Pose -> Downward Dog  (3 – 5 rounds, each time extending the duration in downward dog)
Cat – Cow (several rounds)
Table -> Warrior I -> Extended Side Angle -> Warrior I -> Table Child (repeat on other side)
Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold (4 – 6 rounds)
Cobra pose (4 – 6 rounds)
Seated Twist (3 rounds each side)
Happy Baby Pose (1 minute)
Shavasana / Corpse pose (2 minutes)
Seated Meditation (1 minute)

Alternate Option: For those looking for less structure & more choices.

Any Type of Forward Fold (4 rounds)
Any Type of Backbend (4 rounds)
Any Type of Twist (2 rounds each side)
Any Standing Balance Pose  (2 rounds, 30 sec each side)
2nd Type of Standing Balance Pose (1 round each side)
Any Standing Wide Angle Pose (Warrior Poses or Triangle etc)
Any Hip Opener
Any Inversion (Downdog, Supported Bridge, Shoulderstand/Fish, etc)

Or, or, or: Or you may do any combination of poses you wish – feel free to email them to me ahead of time for review. So there are lots of ways to do this, and throughout the month I shall be offering guidelines and suggestions, and answering questions.

Community Sharing: Your reporting back to the community will be invaluable for providing insight, inspiration, and general reflections and encouragement.

Ready to Go: Remember the main facet is not what you do, nor how you do it; here our main concentration and focus is practicing at least a few poses each and every day of the month – consistency.

Look forward to hearing from you as things get going as well as supplying you with options as we proceed forward…

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  1. This couldn’t have come at a better time. My orthopedic doctor has advised laying off the left knee for 10 days or so to let things calm down.
    So no lunges or knee bends. Pretty much upper body and core, maybe some quad or hamstring work. So I will be developing a Yoga from the Hip up routine! Calling it Hip Hup yoga.

  2. This looks fun and doable! I like the routine for week one! Encourages me to find a steady morning routine of yoga poses that I can move through no matter where I find myself. I think I will print it up and keep it by my mat until I memorize the flow! Thanks Satyam!

    Jean, you are an inspiration!

    1. Nice Liz – as you practice that routine and make it your own two things will happen: You will have it forever, plus you may “customize” to your personal needs as well…

      Let us know how it goes!!

  3. Okay, this has inspired me to make a commitment, and going public with it will help my resolve. Due to extraordinary stresses at work, I feel like I haven’t gone into any of these challenges with the conviction I wanted. As of today, I have made the decision to retire from my teaching job at the end of this school year and start the next phase of my life…which will entail finding a meaningful part time job, but the transition is beginning NOW. In November I will try to go totally vegan and live up to the label “vegetarian” (as opposed to my usual fruititarian habits), and will do a daily meditation and home yoga practice. The plank challenge will remain unmet! Thank you so much Satyam, for helping me focus on what is important.

    1. Annie, it is this type of inner feeling, or firm determination, or samkalpa that really enables one to move ahead on the path. As you continue your firm resolve, you will no doubt get many benefits – plus each and every step forward will get easier, not harder. That type of positive momentum wholly transforms life.

  4. Go for it Annie! Satyam, this is the challenge I am ready to embrace. I missed yesterday but have completed my home session for today. For me it is finding the time, maybe I need to retire too! Not yet, so I am determined to make the most of my early morning, that is when I am at my best.

    1. That’s the spirit Gail! The more you prioritize and make time for your practice – the more it will become your own. With your firm determination you are sure to get success!!

  5. Thank you for the routine for the week! I have been thinking about expanding my yoga practice at home and this month’s challenge is a great incentive.

  6. Oh, what impeccable timing! My upper back has been in knots lately and I’ve been doing stretches here and there, but this is exactly what I need! I’m a little late, but I’ll start tomorrow. Thank you, Satyam!! I hope all is well in MD!

    1. Great to have you on board Ashleigh – let’s get that back of yours into proper working order!! So glad you are in on this…

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