
Holiday Sessions Recap

To close out 2014, we offered two special holiday classes: The Holiday Calm (Dec 22) & The Holiday Flow (Dec 29). Around this time of year everyone’s schedule is topsy-turvy, up and down. And the registration patterns displayed just that – registering, withdrawing, registering, withdrawing etc. But when the dust settled we had two wonderful groupings of attendees, 12 and 19 people, respectively.

The Holiday Calm focused on tranquility and stillness while the Holiday Flow was full of movement. One neat aspect of the Holiday Flow class was that Kate Spano was a last-minute entry and a few breaths before the class began I told her that she would be teaching one section when we split the class in half. So Kate delivered a floor series of poses featuring pigeon and side plank while the other half of the class did poses on the wall.

Here below we see participants at the Holiday Flow class working on their leg extension in natarajasana, or dancer pose.


All in all, this series of classes seemed to suit the season well and we look forward to sharing similar types of offerings in the future. Thanks to all for coming out and making yoga a definite part of your holiday experience.

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