Hip-Opener Challenge: Week #2

Okay so week #1 of the Hip-Opener Challenge was all about gentle seated and supine postures for opening the hips – poses like happy baby pose and seated bound angle etc.

There still seems to be a bit of a myth surrounding what hip-openers actually are. So this week in all classes we will set aside some time to review what are hip-openers and how  they work. In addition, the following handouts from our 2013 Hip-Opener workshop might be helpful: Movement of the Hip and Hip-Opener Poses (a comprehensive but not exhaustive list). Write us with your favorite hip-opener poses that you do not see on the list.

Now that we are starting week #2 of the challenge we shall explore standing hip-opener poses. Think warrior I & warrior II, victory (goddess pose), and other wide angle stances like wide angle forward bend & others such as this high lunge featured below.

Strength&Fitness (18)

Let us know how it goes!!

And if you need a little help along the way you can always try this variation of pigeon pose…

Amanda and P in Hip-Opener

And then of course there is always this one as well…


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