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Health Challenge Stage 1: Physical Health

Health Challenge Stage 1: Physical Health

Here is the first stage (July 5 – 11) of the July 2021 Health Challenge…

As part of this month’s Health Challenge (July 2021), here are some stage 1 initiatives that focus on physical health:

Lemon Water: As the first ingested item of the day, add a pinch or two or sprinkling of salt in an empty tall glass, thermos, or bowl, squeeze a 1/4 or 1/2 lemon or lime and mix with the salt. Then pour in 16 – 20 ounces of warm water. Drink at a comfortable pace. This helps with digestion and makes the blood more alkaline.

Juicy Fruit: This is a great time of year to get local, fresh juicy fruit: cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew etc, or get your own favorites. Start the day with a wonderful bowl of fruit.

Raw Veggies: Make a salad or start a meal with some raw greens. The yogis say an ample portion of raw foods is one of the secrets to a long life.

Yoga Postures: Either before breakfast or before dinner (or both) practice 2 or 3 yoga postures that are well suited to you.

Walking: Get out a walk a few miles perhaps in the early morning or after dinner – or any suitable time. Push the pace a bit and break a sweat.

Fasting: Start the day by only drinking water till noon; or, choose an entire day to only eat raw foods; or, pass on your evening meal and start the next day with a fruit salad. There are lots of way to get creative with fasting, thereby giving your digestive system a rest and enabling the body to renew itself.

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