
Hamstring Challenge: June ’21

Hamstring Challenge: June ’21

Join us for the hamstring challenge wherein each week we explore ways to safely stretch this important group of muscles…


The hamstrings play a key role in numerous yoga poses, most notably forward bends yet many other poses as well. Here we shall take a slow, careful look at how our hamstrings are performing.


The hamstrings are a group of muscles that cross the hip and knee joints and are responsible for walking, running, jumping, and many other physical activities. The hamstrings flex the knee joint and extend the thigh backward to propel movement.

Located at the backs of the legs, the hamstrings are the opposing muscles to the quadriceps. Because the hamstrings originate at the sitting bones, they are naturally stretched while sitting. However, long periods of sitting may affect how they function and lead to tightness. (Courtesy of Very Well Fit)

Week #4 Practicum: (June 21 – June 28)

During the final week of this month-long challenge, let us know what hamstring stretches work best for you, when you do them, and any other hamstring reckonings you may have….

Week #3 Practicum: (June 14 – June 20)

Lie on your back and wrap a yoga strap, neck tie, bathrobe belt, or the like around your the sole of your foot and extend your leg up into the sky. Try and keep the leg lengthened, and slowly draw it towards you and hold it at a reasonable angle for you. Keep the strap taut and your arm extended. Do both legs daily or twice daily.

Week #2 Practicum: (June 7 – June 13)

Do a standing forward fold (i.e. bend down towards the toes, legs straight, not forcing anything, holding it 8 – 10 seconds) before and after (a) you sit down, (b) get into / out of a car, and (c) other intervals through day at your choice. But do NOT do a forward fold if you have just eaten or taken a large amount of liquid.

Week #1 Practicum: (May 31 – June 6)

Let’s start simple with this highly effective posture: Supported Pyramid Pose.

A Few Instructions / Options:

1. Place your foot on a chair, bench, step, box, or counter etc. You may also put a towel or pad on that surface to cushion the heel. The back foot may be pointed straight towards front foot or angled to the outside for greater balance. Over the course of the week you may progressively place the front foot on a higher platform. So you might start the week at a 30 degree rise and conclude at 60, 80, or even 90 degrees.

2. Inhale and stand erect as you raise the arms to the sky. Hold this eight seconds, and then exhale the arms down, or hold the pose as long at you wish and continue to breathe. Then do the other leg. Next try the same thing but angle the torso forward 15 or 30 degrees keeping a lengthened spine, lifting through the crown. Then do the other leg. And on the third round you may hinge the torso forward towards the extended leg, rounding the back (shown above). You may touch towards the shin, or anchor the hands on platform, if accessible.

3. Practice daily and monitor your progress through the week.

Note: The hamstrings are intricately and intimately linked with the glutes. To stretch the glutes try the first 90 seconds (or more) of this podcast.


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