
Growing Yoga Family

Reza (you have to see his skydiving video) and Monaca (see 2nd photo of this post) are Saturday regulars. And in the last 19 months they have had two children – both girls, Ameila & Sophia. Both of whom attended dozens and dozens of yoga classes while in the womb. And Amelia, the 19 month old, has come to many a yoga class since. Though, she has yet to truly warm up to the teacher. The beard can be quite scary!

One thing we were not aware of however is how advanced Amelia has taken her practice – here she is below neatly managing side plank, also known as vashistasana:


Way to go Amelia!!

In contrast, since Sophia is still very new to this earth – she mostly practices yoga nidra – or deep relaxation yoga. This prepares the body for the rapid generation that is taking place. Sophia was born on March 14, 2014 at 9:25 am. Sophia weighed in at 8 lb 13 oz and was 21″ tall. No doubt those numbers have grown in the past 16 days! Well, without further ado – here she is…in papa’s hands.


And here is Sophia again clad in pink and wearing a grand hat…


So that is our growing yoga family….best wishes to Reza, Monaca, Amelia, & Sophia and as soon as Sophia gets a little more established in this world we look forward to having all in class again soon!!

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