
Geography Challenge – Inspiring News

Geography Challenge – Inspiring News

For the month of February 2023, we are engaging in the Geography Challenge, where we bring forth news and tales of inspiring events from around the globe….

We are compiling all entires of inspiring news here. Submit yours by emailing us, or contacting us here

#6: Tales of Twins

Hilarious to hear about toddler twins (grandchildren of our regulars) who are best of friends but complete opposites. One is MUCH bigger than the other; their skin tone is different (darker vs lighter); and, their personalities are quite different. But they are twins in the true sense that they love to be with one another.

#5: Unbelievable Survival Story

Turkey earthquake: 2 men rescued from rubble 261 hours later, official says. Against all odds, both men were pulled alive from the rubble in Hatay province. Nearly 11 days after a massive earthquake and powerful aftershocks rocked southeastern Turkey, two men trapped beneath the rubble have been rescued.

#4: Nutritional & Budget All-Stars

Dried or canned, beans are nutritional all-stars. “They’re known for being good sources of both dietary fiber and plant protein. But they also offer up iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc,” said Gena Hamshaw, a New York-based registered dietitian who specializes in vegan cooking. “It’s hard to find foods that are so rich in so many important and valuable nutrients, not to mention budget-friendly.”


Submitted by Satyam

#3: Very nice ! Short duet song

In the midst of the harshness, this will put a smile on your face and warm your Heart. This is the beauty of Humanity …;)

Submitted by Greg

#2: Remarkable Cancer Turnaround 

It must be close to 5 years (or more) when my sister felt something like a pulled muscle while gardening and went to get it checked out. Full blown, 4th stage endometrial / ovarian cancer!! It did not look good. She suffered through chemo and various exploratory surgeries to have it removed, one of which was a 12-hour procedure. After exhausting those pathways, she was (finally) given the option of immunotherapy, which is what she wanted the whole time. And in the last 3 years or so that she has been on it, everything has stabilized, and she has been leading a normal life: skiing in the winters, community gardening in the summers, flying to the west coast to visit newborns—you name it. And the main thing is that she feels really good on a daily basis. Just an amazing outcome. Apparently, she is the star of the immunotherapy department. They all love seeing her as they too are quite awed by the results. She goes in every month or two for treatment for a few hours, and that’s about it. Beyond that, she has been a free lady, unshackled from the horrors of chemotherapy and the ills of cancer. Quite amazing…To some degree, we have all just forgotten about that initial diagnosis and all that went with it.

Submitted by Satyam

#1: Awareness About Processed Foods

Of late, I have been seeing more and more reports and alerts about the harmful effects of highly process foods. The more this becomes a point of awareness, the faster people will be able to escape the serious health concerns related with those products. As that awareness grows, those foods will be removed from the shelf entirely – and far better and tastier options will replace them. If you are not sure this will ever happen, just look at what happened with the cigarette in a very short period of time.

Eating more ultraprocessed foods raises the risk of developing and dying from cancer, especially ovarian cancer, according to a new study of over 197,000 people in the United Kingdom, over half of whom were women. Overly processed foods include prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza and ready-to-eat meals, as well as hot dogs, sausages, french fries, sodas, store-bought cookies, cakes, candies, doughnuts, ice cream and many more.


Submitted by Satyam


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  1. This is also true with our dogs and cats. Their food is so processed and causing all the same diseases that humans are getting. Raw, fresh food is what is going to change that also.

    1. Interesting – yes, I have seen some articles about this. It is a great point and I hope pet owners are becoming more aware…

      1. Yes!!! People are also realizing that their pets are being over vaccinated and the flea and tick meds are poisoning our pets. It’s definitely a move in the right direction!

        1. You have to wonder to what degree big money / greed is behind this…A very positive development this is under review and coming to light…

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