Gentle Challenge: Aug ’18 – Week #3

Gentle Challenge: Aug ’18 – Week #3

This week we shall explore a very simple chair yoga sequence.

Week #3: Chair Yoga – wide angle fold & mock pigeon pose

Here are are going to perform to simple chair yoga poses that serve as hip-openers and help undo the stiffness that arises from sitting in a chair:

(A) Seated Wide Angle Fold: Sit upright on the forward edge of the chair. Then separate your knee as wide as possible. Take a deep inhalation and raise your ams upwards, and on the exhale bend your torso forward and wrap your hands around your ankles or calves. Try and point the crown of the head toward the ground. Remain here for 15 – 30 seconds. Rise up slowly. Repeat 2 – 4 times.

(B) Mock Pigeon Pose:  Sit upright on the forward edge of the chair. Keep your thighs parallel to start then bring your right ankle on your left thigh. Place your right forearm across the inner right thigh and calf and wrap your left hand around the base of the right food. Take a big inhalation and on the exhale draw your torso and head towards the right ankle and use your right forearm to press down along the right inner thigh and calf. Hold for 8 – 10 seconds and rise up slowly. Switch and do the other leg. That constitutes one round. Do 4 rounds.

For more chair yoga, click here to do our short, office yoga podcast.

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