
Galley Skier

Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes – its seed is in the mind – creating something where there was nothing. Here Candy – a sailor supreme – was spending a snowy spring/winter day (i.e. St Patty’s Day) in the galley of her boat when…

galley skier

…she got the creative urge (she calls it silly and I call it creative) to draw a skier on the galley window using dry erase marker. Perhaps this stick figure skier will never hang in the halls of Musee d’Orsay in Paris, but think of it this way. Did Monet or Manet ever have the creative genius to draw a skier on the galley window? So there you have it! For the self-expression challenge this famed skier stands tall!

Here are other entries from this month’s challenge:

Pennie’s Orchids, Michelle’s Self-Portrait, Liz’s Lunchbags, Jennifer’s Cakes, Jean’s Stained Glass and Tina’s Jewelry – with more to come…

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