
Further Scenes: Arm Balance Challenge #3

This is definitely an “I did it moment!” In this Arm Balance Challenge all have their perceived obstacles and goals. While she has a very accomplished practice, for Tina (below) crow pose was a fearful proposition. She did not like the idea of possibly falling forward – nor would anyone. Only she did not realize that she had all the skills and abilities to keep herself up. Even this past Saturday (2/15) at the Strength & Fitness class, as soon as crow pose was announced, she reached for her block to place it beneath her forehead. But I forbid her from using it and she made some solid attempts – and vowed to work on it. After class ended and we all left (11:05am or so), less than an hour later (11:50am) this below photo came sailing into my in-box with the subject line: “I did it!”

Tina (Crow)

Here below is Nancy taking the Arm Balance Challenge to a whole new ecosystem…

Nancy Snow Yoga -1

Why stop after one pose – might as well keep the practice going!

Nancy Snow Yoga -2

Finally, here’s Nancy doing her own version of crow pose…

Nancy Snow Yoga -3

For further reading and viewing more photos:

Intro to Arm Balance Challenge

Scenes from the Arm Balance Challenge #1

More scenes from the Arm Balance Challenge #2

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