
Food, Fasting and Health: July 24

fasting & detoxFood Fasting and Health

Sun, Jul 24, 2p – 4p

Galesville Memorial Hall

$20 by Jul 20 ~ $25 after July 20

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Eating is a big part of human life. Proper food gives us sustenance. At the same time, the body greatly benefits from periods of fasting. It gives our organs that much needed rest, and also prevents and cures common ailments and diseases. Plus fasting helps calm the mind.

This is an open forum where we collectively investigate our personal food choices as well as why we eat. To what degree is our eating based on emotional desire rather than physical need. And how can we transition towards eating patterns and habits that better serve us, both physically and psychically.

Fasting has a long tradition in our human culture and indeed there are many types of fasts. We shall discuss this history – primarily from the yogic perspective – and apply it to our modern world referencing today’s medical literature. How do our food choices and fasting programs cleanse and detox our system. What are the mental benefits of fasting. And that all important question: How does one break a fast.

Maybe you have fasted many times, or maybe never before. This is a conversation along with practical guidelines for how you can safely transition into healthier eating patterns as well as periods of fasting.

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