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Endeavor A to Zed – Apr 28, 7p – Free Event

An Evening of Sailing Adventures & More
Thurs, April 28, 7p, So Co Library (Deale)

Please do join us for what will surely be a wonderful evening of stories, images, and more as we hear from Candy and David about their world-wide sailing adventures. You may have met Candy and David as they are 3x per week regulars in our yoga classes – when docked in Deale. So you know that their sailing skills are only matched by their humility, kindness, and friendship. The gathering is certain to be a fine one. Look forward to having you at this free event. Here below is more about it…

Endeavor A to Zed
Featuring Candy & David

After meeting in 1985, their common dream of messing about in boats became a reality a mere 20 years later when Endeavor departed her homeport for a trip “about” the world.

Are you curious about living aboard? Can photos of exotic places bring a smile to your face? Do you like the idea of cruising except for the part about being wet, cold and sick all at the same time?

Stop by the South County (Deale) Library conference room beginning at 7PM on April 28th for a glimpse of our vagabond life-style.

C&D at their first glacier

red billed tropic bird 1

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