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Dog & kitty Come to Yoga

An Entertaining Morning of Practice

Everyone knows that Liam comes to yoga, but today he brought his kitten with him too…

At the very beginning of class Liam got a good roll in on his back and kitty Luna sat still (for a fraction of a second) watching…


Then Luna ran around hither and thither, back and forth, only to discover that there was not just one cat in the hall but two – so he arched his back to scare the other intruder cat away…


And then Luna really went to town with that mirror. He was running from one end of the 25 foot mirror to the other – with his back arched way high up and one paw scratching on the mirror – so in short he was hopping around like a crazed, three-legged, wobbly hunchback at ultra-high speed. Never saw a sight quite like it – and of course it all happened in the middle of class so I did not get any footage of it. Everyone was laughing and I was laughing so hard I could hardly (i.e. could not) lead the class. We had entered into a balance pose sequence and I just left everyone hanging there.

Later on, when I tried to show Luna the mirror again after class, I did get a small, micro-version of his antics. But it wasn’t like the real-deal from earlier on, which he did oh-so-many times. Anyway, have a look at the video below…

Essentially, Luna spent the entire class running around like super-kitty, hardly ever stopping even to take a breath. And ol’ Liam maintained his faithful routine of remaining on his towel for the full duration. And then class came to a close, and take a look (below) at how it all turned out…

That’s right, you guessed it, by the end – miraculously, against all odds, Luna kitty was on the exact same page as everyone else…click the below photo to enlarge it and see how Luna even closed his eyes for shavasana…


Fort those who did not see it earlier, here is what happened when Liam met Luna for the first time.

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  1. Thank you for bringing smiles and happiness this morning with your pictures and descriptions of the kitty chasing itself from one end to the other along the mirror 🙂 I love it!

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