Dancer Pose for Two

Kate - NatarajNatarajasana or dancer pose refers to the great yogi Sadashiva. One of his names was Nataraj meaning the King of Dance as he introduced both music and dance into ancient Indian civilization, thousands of years ago.

Here in this modern era, we have Kate performing Natarajasana. The post is titled “Dancer for Two” for a few reasons. First, because Kate’s shadow is following along perfectly; second because – as is quite evident – Kate is pregnant. Make that very pregnant – 8+ months (I believe). Then of course Kate is dancing with the cosmos.

So on multiple levels Kate’s pose is a dance for two.

Kate shares the following:

I felt like doing a balance posture, and the morning sunlight made for a great shadow in natarajasana (practicing my Sanskrit!).  I’m so happy to have been able to resume my yoga practice, and with so little struggle after the time off…

Indeed, Kate has come to class recently and she moves and bends in a very natural way – it is very soothing to watch her practice and very beautiful to see how well she is carrying herself (and her young one!).

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