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Crate Yoga to Perfection & Cat Wrestling

Crate Yoga to Perfection

Here is young Nitro doing his best version of yoga nidra in class today…also check out how he rests and home and videos of Nitro’s cat wrestling program!!

Our new service pup in training, Nitro, started attending full classes two weeks ago. He has now done three classes – all in the crate. The first week he whimpered for the first 10 minutes. The second week he was greatly mollified by peanut butter treats. And his third class, yesterday, was done to perfection. After being allowed to scamper around for a few minutes before class began, at the designated time he dutifully went into his crate and proceeded to do his best yoga nidra, in various positions. Nidra literally means sleep, but yoga nidra refers to a state of deep relaxation. I will leave it to you to decide if really Nitro is doing an advanced practice of yoga nidra, or if at the ripe age of 13 weeks or so, he just needed his puppy rest.



Here is how Nitro naps when he is not in class:


 When not napping it is wrestling


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