
Cosmic Growth

Cosmic Growth

A rainy life update…

May was designated as the month of the Garden Challenge, but little did we know that it would rain every day – spurring tremendous growth, yet offering no real opportunity to garden. Indeed the rains washed away our Outdoor Yoga Festival that was scheduled for this past Saturday, May 7. And the rains have kept many of us at bay and out of our yards. Seeing that I live in the land of 100% shade, forest, and clay, it really did not impact my gardening endeavors too much. But for those of you living in fertile territory, certainly you have been in a fix.

Anyway, I still feel like our garden challenge is right on track. Here below is Cosmo, short for the wildflower Cosmos. Cosmo is the little seeding in the foreground. This guy got planted on April 3o in front of Galesville Hall. This is the one that was found on my windshield – gifted to us by Catrina. And Cosmo has absolutely been reviling in all this rain – life could not be better as far as he is concerned!!

Do watch for Cosmo and say hello as you enter into the hall for yoga and other events. Cosmo is a reminder that amidst all the rains and clouds there is tremendous growth in the cosmos…


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