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Meditation & Conduct The true presentation and proof of any yoga practitioner is their conduct. Without proper conduct, it does not matter what pose they do or what they say, it means their practice is not properly developed.

I raise the point because conduct is so much valued in yogic life, yet time and again we are reminded how in the general society, leaders and people of respect fail to maintain a proper level of personal behavior. They have become famous for some reason – politics, sports, music, Hollywood etc – but they were never fully trained in life. Hence when allurements and so-called opportunities come, they fall like a rock. Such type of ongoing behavior is neither good for them nor the society.

Yoga can help – a lot.

Every action takes birth in the mind in the form of a thought. If the thoughts are proper the actions will invariably be proper. Yoga aims at refining one’s sense of self by creating a more benevolent and sentient mind. That is the true end of the practitioner.

It will be very refreshing and invaluable when leaders and celebrities in society are not just famous for a single particular talent, but for their entire presentation and whole personality. That’s to say, when their daily conduct matches their particular talent.

The more people engage in yoga and meditation the more they will feel that their talents are not to be exploited for self-glorification and indulgence, but are to be utlized for helping and serving others and leading a refined life.

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  1. Below are comments about this blog posted to the Yoga Journal Community blog:

    [1] “I feel better about my own conduct (inner thoughts and feelings and outer manifestations/reactions) since I have been practicing yoga. I agree that yoga could help all people, unfortunately not all people want to learn”. – (DoRestorativeYoga)

    [2] “Thank you for this. More folks need this in the world….and I still think of that Ghandi quote: Be the change that you want to see.”

    “Maybe we will see more change.” – (LighthasMass)

    [3] “Very Nice.” – (Treehugger)

    [4] “I second Treehugger!!!
    I especially like the sentence: Yoga aims at refining one’s sense of self by creating a more benevolent and sentient mind.
    Thank you for this posting.

  2. yes, more and more we see the worlds conduct falling. I too, must look at my conduct. I like to remember this from “The course”, “Only loving thoughts are true, anything else is an appeal for healing and help.” All of us as a group(the world) are in need of this healing. Yoga and meditation are one of the keys to bring us back to oneness.

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