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Cleanse Challenge: Feb ’19

Cleanse Challenge: Feb ’19

Here are four distinct cleansing practices to employ
on a week-by-week basis throughout the month…

About the Challenge

The human body is always in the process of cleansing itself – purging the waste and assimilating the essentials. How we live and the decisions we make either facilitate or hinder this process. During the month of February, we shall explore four approaches to help cleanse and purify the body. Each week will feature a new practice.

At the same time, there are innumerable ways to help detox and cleanse the body. So if there are specific choices or lifestyle approaches that you have found helpful in this endeavor, we invite you to share those with us in the comment section. A few that come to mind include: going organic, walking after a meal, fasting, taking turmeric etc.

Here below we present four strategies to try this month. All the best to you and let us know how it goes…

Weekly Cleansing Regimen

Week #1 (Feb 1 – 7): Lemon-Salt Water

Action: Aim to drink a 8 ounce to a liter lemon-salt water to start the day, i.e. on an empty stomach before ingesting anything else. Squeeze half a lemon or lime (I prefer lime) into your liter container and add a sprinkling of salt. Mix together and then add warm water. Drink at a comfortable rate, within a few minutes if possible.

Benefits: Aids in digestion and elimination; makes the blood more alkaline; read more benefits.

Week #2 (Feb 8 – 14): Fresh & Whole, Not Processed

Action: Prepare your meals with fresh, whole foods – i.e. try and avoid all forms of processed foods (anything out of a can or box etc).

Benefits: By taking foods in their whole form, you free yourself from the countless chemicals and additives that are poured into processed foods.

Week #3 (Feb 15 – 21): Avoiding Intoxicants & Stimulants

Action: Stay free of tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine (that includes cocoa & chocolate).

Benefits: Mental clarity, balanced central nervous system, and blood cleansing.

Week #4 (Feb 22 – 28): Raw Foods Snacking

Action: Eat only raw fruit and / or raw vegetables in all their various forms for any snacking, i.e. any eating in between meals.

Benefits: High-fiber / low-fat, no added oil or grease, easy to digest, nutrient rich.

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