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Can’t Purchase the Sky

This poignant message from Chief Seattle of 150 years ago still provides reflection for us as a humanity. Imagine if we could have paid heed to his words back then. Today, we also have such an opportunity. It is never too late. When we rediscover our link with this earth / universe, then so many positive transformations will invariably unfold. In this regard, the great chief’s message parallels yogic principles of oneness and reverence for all forms of life and natural expression. May this be the meditation of today’s humanity…

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One Comment

  1. When we fail as humans to listen and not just hear, really listen the words of wisdom and truth, we will be destined to fail and ruin what will sustain us as long as we live.

    His statement….”Men did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does it to himself.”

    Says it all!!!!!

    Thank you for posting this.

    Blessing always,

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