
Breath Challenge: March ’20

Breath Challenge: March ’20

Join us all month long in this dynamic endeavor, both in class and at home….

Breathing is something we all do all the 24 hrs, yet are often unaware how we are doing it. A human being, on average, breathes 18,000 – 21,000 times per day. The way we breathe affects our physical body, health, outlook, mind, and spiritual development – all aspects of our existence. When a functionality is so central to our overall well-being and so pervasively affects our lives, it goes to our great advantage to try and refine and learn more about this process.

The yogis have long looked at the importance of the breath. Svarashastra, or the science of breath control, contains numerous secrets and insights into the link between the way we breathe and how we feel. And it is this connection that we are going to dive into all month long.

Participate in class and at home in the Breath Challenge through various initiatives, podcasts, practicums, and more. Look forward to having you on board!!!


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