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Boost That Immune System!!

Boost That Immune System!!

Here are a few thoughts on keeping your body’s constitution strong
during the current climate / pandemic….
Remember, every little bit helps!!

My Drink of Choice

At the start of this covid19 / coronavirus outbreak, I thought what else can I do (aside from following the various protocols, i.e. social distancing etc) to ensure I remain healthy and strong during this episode. So without any planning I opened up my cabinets and made the following concoction: ground turmeric (organic), ground ginger (organic), full lime or lemon, and local honey. Then I added warm / hot water and drank a full liter or more of it. And you know what – it felt great, and I have been drinking it every day since!!

I have found it to be a sterling combination. Turmeric (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, blood cleansing) + ginger ( anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral) + lemon / lime (alkaline, vitamin C, antioxidant) + honey (antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant) = a boost to the overall immune system and state of health.

A New Supplement

Next, a friend told me about grapefruit seed extract. First off, I know from direct experience that eating a few grapefruit has helped me within minutes when I have had a cold and felt a bit rundown. So when I got the tip about grapefruit seed extract I was all in – especially since my wholesaler had sold out of fresh grapefruit. So I got the below bottle for $11.99, and it should last quite a while. The stuff is super potent – just add a few drops to 5 ounces of water.


Further Reading – More Info

Here are a few other sources for how food and dietary choices can boost your immune system.

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  1. Satyam, thanks so much for the information. Another thing to add to the immune boating list is Forsythia blossoms!
    Their bright yellow flowers are blooming everywhere now and they have antiviral properties. Make a tea out of the blossoms fresh or dried and relax while you drink in the beautiful sunshine.

    1. Wonderful Sharon – thanks so much for the addition…I was hoping this might stir a call for recipes and treatments. And with your extensive professional background in herbs and remedies, your recommendation is highly valued…thanks!!

  2. Thank you for sharing all this information! So wonderful to be able to stay healthy and strong at home!!
    Take care and be well…..

  3. After the outbreak of coronavirus, taking care of the immune system has been a beneficial part of everyone’s life. Thanks for sharing such healthy posts.

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