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Bikram report: A Yogi he is Not

Bikram report: A Yogi he is Not

The fallacy and scandals surrounding the maniac behind “hot yoga”

Back in 2013, in the midst of the then latest allegations surrounding Bikram Choudhury, I wrote a post about the “efficacy” of hot yoga, and how strict discipline and proper conduct are what defines a great yogi.

Sadly, over the decades, there have been a string of “yogis” who’ve come to the west with great fanfare from India only to give way to lesser desires. Instead of exemplifying the true ideals of yoga by their dharmic conduct, they came to the US and behaved in a way that demonstrated that their real aims were: name, fame, prestige, material wealth, and sensual gratification. Some of the names on this list include: Swami Rama (Himalayan Yoga Institute), Rajneesh (Central Oregon), Amrit Desai (Kripalu), Sai Baba (although he mostly remained in India), and K. Pattabhi Jois  (Ashtanga Yoga) – to name a few.

Now in November of 2016, we again find Mr. Bikram at the top of the list – as the below two videos / news reports indicate. (Warning: the below videos contain graphic language.)


Yoga is founded on the pillars of selflessness, sacrifice, sadhana (meditation), and discipline. The yogi is the one who has strict control over their motor and sensory organs, and whose mind is goaded towards the spiritual realm. Their thought, word, and deed will be wholly consistent. That means each and every facet of their life will be neat and clean. That is the way to recognize the real yogi. The degree to which one’s conduct is not reflective of a high ideal is the degree to which that person is not on the path of yoga. Always remember, conduct is the main thing – not fanfare, the size of one’s following, or any other material measuring rod.


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