
Best Preventive Measure for Back Pain: Movement

Best Prevention for Back Pain: Exercise

A regular yoga practice is arguably the tool for preventing and remedying back pain. 

The below link to an NPR report (Jan 12, 2016) finds that of all the different modalities and preventive measures for back pain, one stands tall against the rest: exercise.

And we also know that many of today’s exercise routines incorporate or are based on yoga postures. Of course, this report comes as no surprise to those who engage in a regular yoga practice. They can feel and experience the benefits on a daily basis. The report does affirm – once again – that the natural and supportive movements of yoga are perhaps the most effective measure to ward off back pain.

Essentially, the process of stretching and extending the spine, strengthening the back muscles, developing core strength, and keeping good posture outweigh so many other approaches. No doubt, proper footwear, ergonomically sensitive work spaces, and other avenues can serve well as supportive measures, but without the main ingredient of exercise, and in particular yoga postures, they do not offer what is needed.

The below NPS podcast reviews the statistics of who suffers and how much it costs etc, so steer clear from being yet another number. Start your practice or keep your existing one going and enjoy the benefits of a full life free of back pain.

Yoga for Back Care Podcast

Try our free, yoga for back care podcast – it is appropriate for all levels.

Back Care

NPR Report

Listen to the recent NPR report on preventing back pain (2 min 39 sec)

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  1. Hi Satyam, Thanks so much for posting this, it’s a great reminder to keep moving even when my back hurts.
    Also, I’ve been doing your podcast for back care at home, it is so helpful. I remember using it once when I had some back pain and it worked wonders, I’ve been using it over the weekend and it is helping once again!
    The perfect activity for a Blizzard. 😉

  2. Satyam,
    Yoga for back care to the rescue again! I did a lot of shoveling, with yoga for back care interspersed, and not even a twinge today. When I took a walk yesterday in the afternoon (it was gorgeous here), I passed a young woman shoveling out her car. She had a long way to go, and complained. She said something about yoga; I suggested lying on her yoga block or some books to bend her back the other way. You continue to spread wisdom.
    Off to do so again for insurance.
    Be safe,

  3. Hi Sharon & Carolyn,

    So great to hear the podcast continues serve you well and keep the back in good standing.

    Indeed, with the big, heavy snowfall, this was the time for it.

    Thanks so much for writing and sharing your experiences…


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