Beauty of My Bleeding Heart

Here we share entry #2 of this month’s Photo Challenge – Lynn F writes us:

Awestruck by the beauty of my bleeding heart.

Lynn F. Photo Challenge

Thanks Lynn for the great photo and reminder of this stunning flower…

 About bleeding hearts:

“Blooms of the bleeding heart plant (Dicentra spectabilis) appear in early spring adorning the garden with attention getting, heart shaped flowers borne on arching stems. Attractive bluish green foliage emerges first as the plant wakes from dormancy and flowers of the bleeding heart may be pink and white or solid white as with the bleeding heart cultivar ‘Alba’.” (Courtesy of Gardening Know How)

“There is also a latest legend from Japan which tells a story of how the bleeding heart flower came to be. In the story, a young man tried win the love of a young lady. He did this by giving a pair of rabbits (which are the first two petals of the flower), a pair of slippers (which are the next two petals of the flower), and finally a pair of earrings (which are the last two petals of the flower) to the girl. She continued to reject his affections, and, heart-broken, he pierced his heart with his sword (the middle part of the flower) which caused the bleeding heart.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)


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