
Banyan Tree Metaphor

Banyan Tree Metaphor

Here we examine this most unique tree and what universal truths we can glean from it…

The banyan tree is commonly found in much of the Indian subcontinent. As such the yogis have given some great metaphorical teachings based on the unique structure of this most remarkable tree.

Banyan Tree

First a few lines from Wikipedia: Older banyan trees are characterized by their aerial prop roots that grow into thick woody trunks which, with age, can become indistinguishable from the main trunk. Old trees can spread out laterally using these prop roots to cover a wide area.

In a nutshell, as the tree grows it branches out laterally and from those branches root systems grow downwards into the earth. This creates a net or mesh of growth from all aspects of the tree into the ground. These aerial or secondary roots can be as strong and as thick as the original tree trunk.

Two yogic Teachings Based on the Banyan Tree

1) No true aspirant – no sincere human – shall live in a way that resembles the growth of the banyan tree. The banyan grows out laterally across the earth – taking up more and more space, more and more ground – whereby nothing else can grow or survive beneath it. By its sheer domination, no other plant life can live in the vicinity of the banyan. Its shade benefits no other plant. Likewise, as humans we should not grow to be so arrogant and unruly that no other human can bear our company nor benefit from our existence. We should not be like the banyan in this respect, rather we should be as humble as the grass.

(2) Secondly, when the banyan tree first takes root nearby your house, you must weed it out. Otherwise that banyan tree will grow up and around your house and spread its roots downwards through the flooring and foundation of your domicile. The tree will completely envelope your home. The only solution will be to tear down the house entirely. Similarly, as soon as we recognize any defect, bad habit, or dogma (irrational idea) taking root within our own personae, we should act swiftly and remove that harmful trait. If we do not, that trait will dominate and ultimately devour our whole existence, just like the banyan tree annihilates the house.

The yogis are always quick to learn from nature and the natural surroundings. Are not so many yoga postures derived from nature itself. Well it is not just limited to the asanas. Many teachings of yogic thought are given in the form of metaphors based on the natural world like the two above teachings about the banyan tree.


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