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Baking Bread & Other Weekend Events

Baking Bread & Other Weekend Events

Here is a potpourri of weekend happenings….

Stunning Loaves

Let’s just be blunt here…if I could bake bread like this I would quit teaching yoga!!

Jeannie writes us:

I learned how to make artisanal sourdough bread from Jeanette Warne, who bakes beautiful and ever so tasty bread for Union Kitchen Groceries in Washington, D.C, and also sells at the Bethesda Farm Women’s market. The bread is a Tartine loaf which begins with a liquid levain or starter, that has no yeast added but naturally ferments, and a mix of white and rye flour that is brought to life not with intensive kneading, but rather a series of folds during bulk fermentation. All bread makers I know love the tactile experience of working with dough and the “slap and fold” technique I learned is particularly therapeutic and results in a tasty bread with an amazing crunchy yet chewy crust!

Jeannie also provided this web link for those who wish to know more….

Recycling Gone Bad & Solution

Had this mash-up on my last recycling day, i.e. Friday….

When I reported the incident to my Saturday morning yoga class, the resounding reply was to “report” it as they (i.e. the county) will either give me one on-site or deliver one – free.

So on my way home from class on Saturday I stopped by the dump and told them what happened, and in a jiffy the guy gave me this business card….

On Monday, I will call and let you know what happens…(Note: I have since called and they said to leave it out on Friday and they will come and fix it.)

Snows Up in Buffalo

Meanwhile Jaya was up in Buffalo (NY) this weekend and had this to share…

Miss Eppy patiently watched her daddy make her an old lady walking path after the storm 🙂

In Case You Missed This One…

Looks like ol’ man winter is upon us again. Here is something to cheer you up as we may get some snow. This below video went viral last time around…


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