
Attachment Challenge: Aug ‘ 21

Attachment Challenge: Aug ‘ 21

Let’s all lighten our loads, and clean house a bit….

Overview & How To:

For the month of August 2021, we shall pursue the Attachment Challenge which focuses on letting things go, i.e. making things bygones that should have been bygones long ago.

The yogis say the greatest quality in life is a sense of duty, and the most harmful quality is moha, or blind attachment. And it is this second aspect, blind attachment, that we take target at this month.

Action: Think of something (habit, mannerism, quality) in your life that you need to get rid of – that probably should have been gone long ago – and then take the psychic determination to overcome that attachment, which has been keeping you back and weighing you down for so long.

Share: We encourage you to share your attachment (anonymously or not) – reach us here. We shall compile and present them. This will serve the dual purpose of making us serious in our approach and inspiring others.

More about blind attachment:

Moha means blind attachment, i.e. when we do things or espouse ideas that are illogical, irrational, and harmful, but we do them anyway because we cannot break away from our old bad habits or myopic viewpoints adopted due to indoctrination / social samskara. The yogis say that moha is the most detrimental characteristic in human life. Some common examples of moha are: cigarette smoking, harmful stereotypes, poor dietary choices etc.


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