Ashleigh’s Baby: Update on Eliza Jane

ElizaJane #3 (4 days old) Here is Eliza Jane at 4 days old – since this photo was taken she has doubled her age. She is now 8 days old!

Ashleigh is doing extremely well, loving motherhood and all that comes with it.

She is also readying to come back to class – at some point.

Thus far, Eliza has been a very calm infant. Breathing quietly – at peace with the world around her.

Heck, after being in Ashleigh’s belly for all those inversions, twists & arm balances right up until the time of delivery, it is probably quite relaxing just to stay in shavasana (corpse posture, i.e. lying still) for an extended period. And that is exactly what Ashleigh says Eliza does – and she does it well.

Here is the first post announcing the birth of Eliza complete with pics of Ashleigh doing yoga while pregnant with Eliza. Also here is Ashleigh’s first-hand account of her delivery.

Here is Ashleigh’s reply on that blogpost to the many who shared their thoughts & wishes:

Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts! Eliza and I are doing fantastic! She’s already mastered her savasana pose, which she is currently practicing right now! :) . We miss you all, but will be back as soon as possible. Thank you for the nice blog post, Satyam.


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