Baby Woodchuck on Woodpile

It has been on  my mind to start filming our resident groundhogs this spring when I noticed that mama gave birth to a multitude of young’uns – 4 to be exact. On this particular occasion, I returned from class and was about to get out of my car only to see this young fellow (who is no longer quite so small) perched up on our woodpile directly in front of me. Fortunately I had my camera with me in the car and I just filmed him through the front windshield. After some time I opened my car door in an attempt to go closer – but he scurried away fast.

Since this first occasion, I was able to get quite a bit more footage of them from my back porch – an aerial view. I even got the whole family out breakfasting in our food scraps pile and sunning on the lower porch. Suffice to say there is more to come.

Oh, by the way, here is some footage I got from this same fellow after he scurried off the woodpile. For those who want to know more about groundhogs, go here…

And for those of you who are more interested in yoga than in woodchucks / groundhogs, feel free to check out our collection of class videos.

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