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An Interesting Week…(Cont)

nbc-2Well, to continue with our interesting week – it kinda goes like this.

Wendy Rieger, the news anchor of NBC (Washington DC), was due to come to our 6p class this past Wednesday to get some video for a story she is doing on Renaissance Yoga. Well, true to form she came – right on time too!

And also true to form – the universe had something else brewing. While all 21 class participants began to arrive and get set up, one of them heard a crying sound from underneath the hall – it was a tiny kitty. The fire dept (next door) was notified and they wanted permission to remove a metal grate to get access to the kitty. We called the powers that be in Galesville and permission was granted. Next thing – kitty was out – and she was the size of 1/2 stick of butter.

kitty 2 weeksI was inside getting things ready for the class and deliberations were underway on the front porch for how to handle the kitty. As class was about to start, a student informed me that Wendy thought it best to bring the kitty to her vet down the road. I was told she would be back in 5 min. (Note: This photo is not “our” kitty, but it is very, very similar looking!)

Alright…let’s get class started. All were primed for the video shoot but no worries we can adjust. 6:20p still no sign of Wendy and the kitty – 6:30p and still not back. By this point we were all wondering – or at least I was wondering…we were moving through one sequence after another and there was not a camera in sight.

At 6:40p Wendy gently tiptoed back in and shot video for 15 min or so. A few more minutes and class was over. The convention was again underway about kitty.

Turns out she was only 2 1/2 weeks old  (they really can’t be separated from mother until 6 weeks) and the kitty would need to be hand fed. Fortunately Wendy had secured all that was needed from the vet in terms of a milk formula. And our cat-loving student, Krista, took the cat home – wondering how she was going to feed the cat every 2hrs with a full time job!

The kitty was so small that she could easily curl up in the palm of your hand – she was tiny! And all she wanted was to be warm and have a cozy place to sleep.

Krista nursed the cat that night and in the morning called to inform me that she needed help in placing kitty in a home or shelter. After all, keeping such a young kitty would be a round-the-clock commitment.

We both called around – no luck. Then Krista phoned me – I had just gotten out of my 9am Thurs class – and told me she found a senior in Annapolis who was ready and able to take kitty.

To make a longer story short – kitty was blessed with a wonderful home, complete with a kitty infirmary etc. So she will be well cared for.

And, and, and earlier Wendy had called me and left a message saying she got all the footage she needed plus she had many directions about caring for kitty. As you may know Wendy is very active in causes for animal welfare and true to form she shined brightly in this situation as well.

So that’s the story of our video shoot with NBC and kitty’s rescue.

I will keep you updated both about our kitty as well as when the story on Renaissance Yoga will air!!

So that was my interesting week – part 1 & 2 – and it was only WEDNESDAY.

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  1. Satyam, Hope you have a less hectic week this week. Congrat’s on the Seminar it sounded great. Hope to see the video soon. Glad kitty got a home. Her mother must have stepped out from under the building for a bite to eat. Your lucky it was only one kitten under there. Who ever owns the building should look into trying to get mother and moving her to new location. Next time there will be more babies for sure.

  2. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for your valued thoughts and reflections.

    We have been looking under the hall but have not found mama cat anywhere. We thought she might return back looking for her missing kitty. But it did not happen.

    You can be sure we will be vigilant about cats under the hall in future.

    Thanks for your support and interest in the video etc. Will keep you posted.


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