
An Interesting Week…

One of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching yoga is sharing this great practice with all kinds of wonderful people – from all different backgrounds, interests, and ages.

In addition to my regular 20+ classes per week or so, this past week (Sep 19 – 25) included three interesting experiences which I share here.

Sunday morning got the ball rolling with a session in support of Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary’s women’s day gathering. This is the second time I have participated in this event, and like the first one this was also wonderful.

WomensRetreat-19sept2010 (3) compThe weather was phenomenal; the views stunning; the flowers in bloom; the participants adventurous; and every other aspect of the day seemed perfectly in sync as well.

Starting at 10am we went through our yoga routine featuring poses, meditation, relaxation and a story.

That was the precursor to a day in nature with hikes, talks, and more (as it was women’s day I was one and done after the yoga!). So we used our yoga practice to transition from daily life into this day-long nature retreat.

WomensRetreat-19sept2010 (6) compHere are two participants doing Warrior I out into the great expanse of Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary. We always do our sessions on the observation deck so as not to miss an iota of Mother Nature’s precious gift.

We took in all the sights and sounds and journeyed within and without – as far as the eye & mind could see.

Here are more pictures from the recent program at Jug Bay. Thanks Lindsay and Diane (Jug Bay staff) for giving me opportunity to participate in this fine outing. Also here are photos from the May gathering…

Then came Tuesday – & up next was the Southern High School Cross Country Team. And here they are!!

Southern X-C 1We got together at their Coach’s place, i.e. Doug Ellmore’s Farm. Coach Ellmore has been a long time supporter of yoga and graciously invited me to work with his team out at the farm. Once again spectacular weather and an absolutely great group of student athletes.

We went through a challenging workout – barefoot on the lawn – with the great sky overhead.

Southern X-C 5With shoes and socks strewn across the grass – and the local cat catching (& eating) mice, we went from pose to pose. Here they are all giving a strong effort in tree pose.

And indeed they dived into countless poses.

Thereafter it was a long shavasana (lying relaxation) under an expansive sky.

So that is how the week started – and to find out what happened the next day you will have to click here, or scroll up to the next post – your choice…

p.s. Will be working out the the Southern HS X-C team this Tues (9/28) as well!!

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