Acupuncture Seminar: Recap & Videos

Had an absolutely amazing acupuncture seminar today – thanks to our special guest presenter: Ms. Alisha Ann Juliano. The actual name of the seminar was, Two Ancient Disciplines: Acupuncture & Yoga, but really the emphasis was acupuncture. So what did we do?

Be sure to read the following and watch the videos below…

We began with a short welcoming along with brief introductions where we learned that many of the attendees had prior acupuncture treatment / therapy. That was really nice to see, and  there were some newcomers excited to learn about this healing art form.

We then moved on to a brief meditation to draw the mind inwards and gain a broader, more subtle vision of life. Along the way we gently contrasted the western analytical approach with the more holistic eastern approach. That is to say, our meditation aimed to set our inner sight on a greater vision of our human personality.

Once aligned, Alisha did a neat overview of the history and cosmology of acupuncture, emphasizing how it is inherently based on nature. Next, Alisha covered the vast array of traditions that come within the scope of Chinese medicine: Acupuncture, herbs, qi gong, cupping, and lifestyle, including diet, exercise and rest.

We then delved deeper into the philosophy by investigating tao (living in accordance with nature), yin / yang (neat drawing by Alisha), the 5 elements, and the quality and attributions of qi. Although much of this was new for many of us, Alisha made it very approachable and relevant.

The final portion of the theoretical aspect of the workshop addressed the how’s and why’s of acupuncture.

From there we did a brief standing yoga sequence to breath, move, and stretch – along the way we examined some of the corollaries between yoga and acupuncture,  such as the body’s innate ability to heal itself, energetic systems, & how points of the body are directly linked with particular glands etc.

Then it was time for treatment – which everyone really seemed to appreciate. We took around 45 – 55 minutes for this aspect of the session. Here are some videos to give a little hands-on feel, though the lighting was a touch low as that was the ambiance we wanted to maintain for the seminar.

Everyone received auriculoacupuncture, or acupuncture on the ear. And this is what that looked like:

This next video is an overview of the room while participants were under treatment and it also displays the insertion of needles.

Finally this last short video shows how simply and seamlessly the needles are removed:

All in all it was a really wonderful workshop – Alisha did a truly splendid job with it – the theoretical side was interesting, the treatment was healing, and the 12-page color handout was superb. And, of course, we feel like we have the greatest community in the world – all who attended were right there every step of the way.

Everyone left in a really relaxed  light frame of mind – here is the proof: Annie arrived with a really great sit pillow and an extraordinary, zero-gravity lounge chair recliner. Yet when Alisha & I finally left the hall, Annie’s wonderful possessions were lying there in the middle of the gravel parking lot – all by themselves, surrounded by no one. And these were not small items!! Annie was feeling so great and light as a feather that she forget all worldly possessions. But worry not – the items are NOT still there shelterless – Annie did come back to retrieve them!

Truly a great seminar – here is what participants had to say about it. “The best part was…”

Meeting Alisha and the treatment portion. I appreciate Alisha’s calm demeanor and openness.

Learning about the background / history and the actual acupuncture.

– Hands on – great energy – really appreciate the experience.

– Style of presentation, good pacing, treatment was a positive experience – felt great.

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  1. This day was just a GIFT – an amazing oasis of peace, calm, and love. I’m so relieved to have the possibility of acupuncture to help me handle the anxiety of my upcoming surgery. I will however, bring a checklist of all my possessions next time! Thank you so much Alisha and Satyam for presenting this day for us!

  2. Hi Satyam and Alisha,

    A wonderful presentation today, Alisha is a very gifted speaker and has a wonderful presentation style. For my first exposure to acupuncture, it was a highly positive experience. Thanks so much to both of for all the time and effort you put onto the preparation and the style to make sure everyone was so comfortable.


  3. Thank you all for coming! I too had an amazing time being with all of you, explaining and then sharing the beautiful gift of Acupuncture. As I said to Annie during the workshop, it’s kind of ironic that the act of placing needles is healing. Generally speaking, at first people are hesitant and worried about the needles. And once they do, and realize the benefits they receive, most people do not turn back, and instead it provokes intrigue, wonder, and most of all, the ability to go inside and allow your body to heal. If I had the time, I wanted to go around and place a few more needles in everyone. Again, thank you all for attending and sharing a piece of your journey, your Tao, with me…. blessings, <3, Alisha

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