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A Window Into Dave’s World

As we march on in March’s Self-Expression Challenge we have received some shots of David’s practice and trade…

Being a sailor’s sailor, first David is giving proof that he does not spend all his time at sea – sometimes he hangs out at the beach as well.

Yoga on the Beach

Many when they go to the beach wear swimsuits and face towards the sky and sun – not this guy. Never known to be a conformist, he takes his own distinct path…and here below is a another look at that beach, which is not one of the more well-known beaches of the world. Dave seems to have it mostly to himself and it really is quite a grand sight!

Dave clears his head

Next we get a different view of Dave’s world. When dry docked, he serves as master craftsman for remarkable boat enhancements. Here he describes the current project at hand: The view is from below looking up.  It’s the framework for a roof extension I’m building on a 45 foot motor boat.  All mahogany frames and teak end-plate.

roof framing
Thanks David for giving us a window into how your days take shape. Some of the themes seem to be: yoga, travel, adventure, water, boating / sailing, self-sufficiency, mechanics, and precision – among others! Quite an expression indeed…

Here are other entries from this month’s challenge:

Pennie’s Orchids, Michelle’s Self-Portrait, Liz’s Lunchbags, Jennifer’s Cakes, Jean’s Stained Glass, Tina’s Jewelry, Candy’s Skier, and Nancy’s Wreath– with more to come…

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