A New Art Form I Learned…

A New Art Form I Learned…

Expanding our horizons in all kinds of ways is in concert with yoga – always growing and developing ourselves. Here Nancy shares with us what she learned from her experiences during the latest tour of artists’s studios hosted last month by the Muddy Creek Artists Guild.

About her new art form Nancy writes us:

I’m very glad that I found out about needle-felting when I went  to Tina’s house [Tina Preece / Herring Bay Pottery] on the tour of the Muddy Creek Artists’ studios. Her fellow artist Corinna [Woodard] demonstrated the technique and I was hooked. I think what appeals to me is how quickly one can finalize a project, unlike my other art love, pottery, which has to go through many time-consuming stages. I also love the softness, rich hues and texture of the wool.





Very well done indeed Nancy – you’ve become rather proficient quite quickly. Thanks for sharing.

When Nancy is not needle-felting or engaging in her other art forms, she can often be found solo hiking, kayaking, or in crow pose….

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  1. I’ve been doing crafts all my life…but never heard of this beautiful craft before Nancy told me about it. Nice work, Nancy, daughter of mine.

  2. Thank you Annie and Mom. There’s just something about it that is very satisfying to make. And thank you, Satyam, for mentioning it in the blog. I urge everyone to try their hand at needlefelting.

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