A Grand Feast – Please Vote

A Grand Feast – Please Vote

This gathering reflects many great yogic ideals…and don’t forget to vote!!!

This feast reflects many yogic principles:
(a) Come as you are;
(b) Always offer a portion of your meal to others when eating;
(c) Be sure to eat some raw foods every day;
(d) Close friends may share food from the same plate;
(e) Chew thoroughly before swallowing;
(i) The more colors you eat the better your health shall be;
(j) As far as possible, maintain a plant-based diet;
(k) Avoid drinking while eating as it dilutes the digestive juices;
(l) If you are eating with someone who is greener than the vegetables, not to worry, they are also a friend.

Your Vote:

Which character do you like best – and why?

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  1. I vote for the iguana . He only wanted the kale as did the turtle but wasn’t aggressive going after it
    The bunnies would eat anything on that plate but the turtle and the iguana would only want the kale in most cases
    This is an example of diversity and these animals sharing their meal
    Human kind can benefit from the animals example of sharing and peace

  2. The brown bunny makes me laugh…I love the way he/she keeps switching places to get to the veggies, but doesn’t push anybody out of the way!

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