
7-Day Meditation Challenge ~ Starts Aug 1

We all know meditation is beneficial – good for body, good for mind, good for life. After all, it only makes sense: The mind is the controlling point of our human existence. When the mind is calm and pure then all layers of our human existence are enhanced. All these things we know, yet for some of us meditation can be elusive, hard to pin down, and flat out irregular.

Meditation_Challenge_convertedHere is an opportunity to change that: Introducing our 7-Day Meditation Challenge starting August 1. And it will last a week – until Aug 7.

This is a great way to get established in a home meditation practice that works for you – at your pace, at your convenience.

What does the Meditation Challenge entail?

Find or create 5 – 10 minutes (or more) of seated quiet meditation each day. No music, no podcasts (more about that later), or any external stimuli. This quiet meditation session can be done anytime you wish – though preferably on an empty stomach. Meditating before breakfast or before dinner are ideal times. However, meditating in the afternoon can also work well if that is when you have the time. Do be careful about meditating before bed as the great temptation is to do a lying meditation only to wake up in the morning wondering what happened. In general, aim for a sitting meditation, either directly on the floor, on a sit pillow, or in a chair. Regardless of the position do try to keep the spine upright.

Finally, how to meditate? You can focus on simply quieting the mind, or you can try a mantra meditation, or a visualisation. If you need ideas, check out our library of meditation podcasts for hints and guidelines about breathing and meditation. However, try and use those podcasts as an avenue to gain techniques, and then practice those techniques in your designated time of silent meditation.

So here goes – we are just a few days away. Get ready!!

And yes, if all goes well – and I hold great hopes – then we can roll into a second week of Meditation Challenge starting August 8. For now, let’s just focus on week #1.

Lastly, you are most welcome to check in here every day to share a simple greeting or perhaps something more of your experience. Let us all know how things are going!!

All the best,


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  1. I really love the idea of the Meditation Challenge. I have been trying to establish a home practice, and this may be just what I need to keep me motivated !

  2. I am in….think we are heading to Muir Woods tomorrow and the redwoods…might be a good place to start!

    1. Hi Michelle,
      The yogis say that the secret to meditation is sincerity – I am sure you will make great strides in your journey!

    1. Yes you can – there is no rule “against” meditating after breakfast – only it is preferable on an empty stomach – if your breakfast was relatively light, you will probably feel just fine with it…

  3. I’m in!
    Hi Satyam, long time..
    I’m pet sitting for a friend in FL and feeling a little out of sorts.. Mom sent this intention along – perhaps this will help ground me a bit. *smile*

    1. Hey Amanda!!

      Great hearing from you – wonderful to know you are joining in for the daily practice – they say meditation is that grounding force that we all need – to help us reconnect with that which is most important and vital…I am sure it will help…

      Let us know how things are going…

  4. Thank you for bringing us together for a 7 day meditation practice. It’s so easy to get away from meditation. Today I started with a mantra, Om, because thoughts kept flowing in. That did help for a few minutes, then things I need to do today started showing up. But I slowed those down until I felt stillness. It’s the first day, first step.

    1. Indeed – yogis say it is not IF distractions come but rather WHEN – and it is how the meditator responds that is so key. They say best is not to entertain those distracting ideas and again channelise the mind towards the aim of practice – seems to me like you covered a lifetime in your first sitting Susan – wonderful to hear about it!!

  5. Headed to Acadia Maine, Emelia and I agreed to participate starting as soon as we can smell the ocean and our feet are on the ground. Ariel’s in too!

  6. My first meditation got interrupted by the door bell 😉 But I’m going to try again later today. Excited for the challenge!

    1. The yogis say the nobler the task – the more prevalent the obstacles – yet effort in the endeavor brings success – have a good second sitting later today!!

  7. I’m glad to partake in the week #1 challenge. I have also been trying to develop a habit, but it can just be so difficult to sit down quietly for even five minutes in a day. Hopefully, the idea of having a set goal, and a community of other supporters will motivate me to just carve out the time everyday.

    1. Hi Monica,

      Great to see you here 🙂 and wonderful to have your presence in this Meditation Challenge.

      Do let us know how your week progresses – the challenges – the successes. Sometimes sharing brings greater propulsion for the journey…


  8. So we traveled to Muir Woods today, walking the Hillside Trail, and I got in my first session, leaning against an ancient redwood tree and truly feeling overwhelmed with gratitude…

  9. I find using the breath to stay focused most helpful. On the inhalation, I breath in good energy and exhale the stale energy. I also find Tonglen meditation very helpful. Breathing in the suffering of others and giving back health and wellness on the exhalation.
    If my mind wanders, the breath will guide me back.

    1. Hi Jean,
      Actually your yoga practice itself is a testimony to how well you use your breath to focus – very nice to hear how you apply that in meditation as well. Thanks for coming to the fore with this…

  10. I’m happy to say that having the collective support in this challenge has influenced me to take the time to sit down this week! I missed one day, which is a great improvement from before only finding time maybe once a week to do so. This challenge has helped me think to myself each day, “You do so many things in your day… you can take just a few minutes to sit and do this.”

    I think I’d like to try the Tonglen meditation also, it sounds like a nice meditation.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. The yogis talk of “satsaunga” which means good company or community – as an important element of spiritual life. I am sure your words will help inspire others…thanks again for checking in.

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